Chicken vs. Quail - What to Choose?


Scroll down for information to help you choose what type of hatching eggs to get.

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Scroll down for information to help you choose what type of hatching eggs to get.

To view each photo, please click on the white arrows on image or swipe left/right!

Scroll down for information to help you choose what type of hatching eggs to get.

To view each photo, please click on the white arrows on image or swipe left/right!


Breed: Various Chickens; all standard size (no Bantams or Giants)

Large eggs and bigger chicks/birds

21+ days to Hatch

15+ weeks to Maturity

Average weight of bird: 5.7 pounds (91.2 ounces)

Average weight of egg: 49.6g to 57.6g

Egg Color: Varies; White, Brown, Tan, Dark Brown, Blue or Green

Free-Range or Closed coop with run

Chickens naturally come back and go to sleep in their coop

Roosters crow loudly

Classified as Livestock


Breed: Coturnix Quail (Standard or Jumbo)

Small eggs and smaller chicks/birds

17+ days to Hatch

8+ weeks to maturity

Average weight of bird: 3.4 ounces

Average weight of egg: 10g to 14g

Egg Color: Tan with dark brown spots/markings. Some rare birds lay Blue eggs (Celadon)

Unable to free-range. Must have enclosed structure (2-3 quail per square foot)

Easy to raise in confined area. You can have a cage on a small balcony or patio

Roosters have a soft crow, similar to a dove. You can typically raise quail where chickens are not allowed

Classified as Game Birds